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EX - Exclusive

Weight: 20 kg


Popcorn 12%

Green peas 10%

Yellow peas 10%

Wheat 9%

White sorghum 9%

Safflower 9%

Red corn 7%

Brown field peas 6%

Golden millet 5%

Soya 4%

Brown vetch 3%

Oat 3%

Paddy rice 2%

Hemp seed 2%

Rapeseed 2%

Red millet 2%

Small striped sunflower seeds 2%

Mungo beans 1%

Buckwheat 1%

Flax seed 1%

Nutritional values:

Protein: 16.51

Fats: 9.38

Carbohydrates: 56.06

Fiber: 9.58

384.01 KCAL

Component-rich fodder for a large protein boost. The content of oil seeds such as safflower, fodder hemp, linseed, rapeseed helps to get beautiful, smooth feathers. This excellent fodder will provide the needs of every champion.

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